Americans Want Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy
Photo:Taylor Dundee, Creative Commons, Flickr

Why are Republican Senators threatening an energy bill that many Americans would support?

Last week, the House passed an energy bill with ambitious targets for emissions and for renewable energy requirements. And now, in the Senate, Republicans are threatening to filibuster the bill and Rudy Guiliani's lobbying firm is doing its darndest to stop the bill on behalf of Big Oil and the utility companies. But perhaps the Senate Republicans should be asking themselves what "we, the people" want. After all, they are supposed to represent us. reports that, overwhelmingly, Americans want to see more renewable energy:

A recent Zogby Poll found that 77 percent of Republicans, 85 percent of independents and 92 percent of Democrats agree that utilities should be required to produce some of their energy from clean sources such as wind and solar.

Even Republicans in super-majority numbers think that renewable energy is key to energy independence and security. And everyone is feeling the pinch that comes with rising gas prices.

Big Oil companies, Exxon (XOM) especially comes to mind, have been slow to invest in renewable energy. Instead, many Big Oil companies prefer to invest in their own stock. While there is nothing illegal or unethical about this, the fact of the matter is that as the American public becomes more interested in energy independence, the environment and ethical investing, the companies that refuse to go along, demanding that Congress maintain the status quo for this minority, will eventually run into serious trouble.

Disclosure: I do not invest in XOM. I refuse to even buy gas from Exxon. I have made it clear to my Congressional representatives that the House energy bill is preferable, in my mind, to the alternatives offered by Big Oil and their lobbyists and advocates in the Senate.

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