Is Your Career Causing You to Be Depressed?

It’s perfectly normal to feel stressed out on the job now and then. Far too often, we tend to take our work ‘home with us,’ and continue to think about the things that caused stress and anxiety throughout the day. On top of it, it’s nearly impossible to have a job where everything goes according to plan every second of every day.

But, there is a huge difference between the ‘normal’ stresses of the workplace, and having a job that is actually causing you to feel depressed. In this article, we’ll cover some of the common causes of work depression, and how you can determine whether it’s the job that is causing you to feel so low, or something else in your life.

Is it Really the Job?

It’s important to look at all aspects of your life before you try to make a concrete decision on what might be causing your depression. Your job may be an easy scapegoat for something else in your life that you’re not readily willing to face. Take a look at your home life, relationship, friendships, family, etc. Then, you can come back to your job and develop a deeper focus on what might be making you unhappy at work.

Not liking your job isn’t necessarily abnormal, either. Unfortunately, we can’t all have our dream careers, but again, there is a difference between not liking your job, and allowing it to take something from you. Keep that in mind as you look at your career as a source of depression.

What are Some Common Causes of Career Depression?

Feeling stuck: Whether you truly are stuck at your current job with no other options, or this is a feeling based on a fear of change or failure, this ‘trapped’ sensation can be very real for some people.

Financial needs: Sometimes, no matter how hard we work, we simply don’t make a salary that can fit our most basic needs. However, that same fear can come back into play, suggesting that ‘any job is better than no job.’ Still, if you’re struggling to pay the bills and know your current job isn’t ever going to be able to change that, it can absolutely lead to a depressed state.

Improper fit: Again, it’s rare to find your dream job. But, if you’re more numbers-oriented, and you’re working in a job that is more hands-on, or vice versa, you’re probably going to feel out of place, and unfulfilled.

Ethics and values: Even if you have a great job, and you love the work you do, depression can set in if your company doesn’t have the same moral values and ethics that you believe to be important.

Work and home life: It can be difficult to find that perfect balance between your career and home life. If you feel like you aren’t spending enough time at home, with your children, or just don’t have enough time for yourself, it can cause you to sink into sadness.
What Can I Do About Depression at Work?

If it’s possible to change your current career state, that’s always the best option to fight back against the depression that’s bringing you down. However, even if you can’t make an immediate change, you don’t have to feel alone.

With the right techniques and support, you can get through your career-based depression without having to change jobs. Going to work every day doesn’t have make you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. The right support can allow you to see your job in a new light, and feel more fulfilled at the workplace.

Dr. Jeffrey LevineCounseling Hartford – is a Licensed Psychologist with over 40 years of clinical experience. He specializes in treating adults in individual psychotherapy, with expertise in trauma focused hypnosis, energy transformational healing and Internal Family Systems. Therapist serving Hartford – Mansfield – Glastonbury.