Will Black Silicon Light Up Your Solar Portfolio?

Sometimes the best scientific discoveries are made by accident. "We were doing research on the chemical reactions on metal surfaces and, on a hunch, I said let’s look at semiconductors, without a clear plan," said Eric Mazur, a physicist at Harvard University, about an experiment done in 1998. A decade later, it looks like his…

Segway Inventor Dean Kamen Set to Turn Cow Pies into Electricity

Photo: Skinnyde, Creative Commons, Flickr In developing countries there are serious challenges to providing cheap and environmentally-friendly sources of electricity and clean drinking water. But Dean Kamen, the inventor of the Segway, wants to try to overcome them. Recently he unveiled two of his latest projects at the Lux Executive Summit: an electricity generator that…

The Oil in Your Backyard

Photo: SchultzLabs, Creative Commons, Flickr Oil runs the world, fueling industrial processes that make everything from computers to plastic containers. Without it, vehicles, airplanes, trucks that bring food to grocer’s shelves, and ships that bring steel from China wouldn’t run. The modern world would grind to a halt.

Energy Stocks Got a Boost Monday

Right now, as the stock market rally eases a bit in terms of the financial sector, the energy sector is holding gains. A measure of confidence is returning, thanks to remarks from Ben Bernanke regarding his dedication to stimulate the economy. Also helping the energy sector is the expectation that OPEC will soon be cutting…

Exxon Mobil (XOM) Works On Its Eco Image

Photo: cackhanded, Creative Commons, Flickr Even in this down economy, there are people who are still interested in environmental issues, and Exxon Mobil (XOM) is not about to be left off the bandwagon. The company is releasing ads that highlight its focus on environmental protection and alternative energy. The question, though, is whether this is…

Big Oil Falls with the Stock Market

Photo: tsevis, Creative Commons, Flickr As the stock market tumbles for yet another day, Big Oil stocks find themselves hard hit. Indeed, energy investments, from Big Oil companies like Exxon (XOM) and Chevron (CVX) to the Amex Natural Gas Index (XNG) to alternative energy like First Solar (FSLR) are suffering massive losses as the hemoraging…

Why I Like Obama on Energy

Photo: law_keven, Creative Commons, Flickr Tonight I watched the second presidential debate. Both John McCain and Barack Obama pointed out that energy is a foundation of our economy. But from what they said about energy and the environment, I agree more with Obama’s view of things.

Tesoro (TSO) Fights California Ethanol Mandate

Back in August, California’s Air Resources Board passed a mandate requiring that Photo: arbyreed, Creative Commons, Flickr ethanol blend in gasoline be upped to 10 percent (from 5.7 percent). Oil refineries in California have until 2009 to carry out the changes that would bring companies in compliance with the mandate. Tesoro (TSO), however, is fighting…

Climate Change and the Power of One

A recent Wall Street Journal article cites a McKinsey & Co study claiming that American consumers influence 65% of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions. (Consumers in the rest of the world only influence 43% of emissions.) The findings demonstrate that it is the individual and not industry that has power over climate control.

XTO Energy (XTO): A Good Pick?

If you are looking into energy stocks (which are rather volatile right now, what with all the oil fluctuations), it can be difficult to decide what to go with. ExxonMobile (XOM) and Chevron (CVX) seem a little expensive — even if they are gaining along with the rest of the stock market. This is part…

American Lifestyle, American Emissions

Photo: Dead Air, Creative Commons, Flickr Reports from reputable scientific groups like the Global Carbon Project of Australia indicate the rise in global carbon dioxide emissions last year exceeded even the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change‘s (IPCC) predictions. This is pretty alarming, considering the IPCC is far from optimistic.

Energy East (EAS) Could Be Acquired by Iberdrola

Photo: -Marlith-, Creative Commons, Flickr Iberdrola (IBE.MC), the wind energy giant from Spain, has been trying to buy Energy East (EAS) since June 2007. However, it has run up against hurdles as different public service commissions in the states that would be serviced by the new arrangement put the deal up for a vote. Now,…

BP (BP) Gets Bloggers Involved

Photo: jnxyz, Creative Commons, Flickr The power of bloggers is once again being put in the spotlight as BP (BP) encourages bloggers to use the latest product offering from the company, BP with Invigorate. BP offered some schwag to the bloggers in exchange for their thoughts on exclusively using BP with Invigorate. According to the…