Oil Services Companies See Gains

The energy sector is rising again, with oil services companies leading the way. A number of exploration ventures are helping Big Oil on the stock market. Additionally, oil future are on the way up again. One of the oil services companies that saw some good results on the market Thursday was Hess (HES), due to speculation over what the company will do with its recent discovery in the Gulf of Mexico.

Exxon (XOM), with Rex Tillerson fresh off his victory over the Rockefeller family, is also seeing some upward momentum on the announcement that it is looking to invest more into natural gas resources. The company has landed in Colorado, on which it is drilling for what is known as "tight gas."

If you are looking into stock indices, the Amex Oil Index (XOI) is doing quite well with oil prices heading up and Big Oil share prices rising.

While all of this exploration may be good for Big Oil share prices, it does not solve our fundamental energy problem. As long as we rely on the old solutions for energy (fossil fuels), we will continue to see a situation that is good for the oil services industry, but not necessarily the consumer. This is probably why so many investors are looking into Big Oil and oil services – they’re trying to hedge their growing costs.

Disclosure: I do not own any Big Oil stock.

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