What if Everyone Lived Like an American?

Indian Food to go
Photo: pink_fish13, Creative Commons, Flickr
American Public Media has come up with an equally fun and guilt inducing game called Consumer Consequences. It’s part of their "Consumed" series, which explores whether the modern American lifestyle is sustainable in the long run:

Consumer Consequences will ask you a series of questions about your lifestyle, and as you play, it will show you how many ‘Earths’ of natural resources it would take to sustain all 6.6 billion humans… if everyone lived like you.

Because I live in New York, I’m doing great with transportation but terrible with food (I don’t really cook or buy food made out of locally grown ingredients, and I eat a lot of meat).

I need 5.2 earths. Find out how many you need . . .

Play Consumer Consequences

Disclosure: This was my first experience with an "avatar" and I think I now understand why they’re fun; they’re like modern day paper dolls.

What if Everyone Lived Like an American?
Photo:yum9me, Creative Commons, Flickr