Will The Live Earth Concerts be Worth All the Carbon They Use?

German T-Shirt for Live EarthI love anything counter-intutitive. The blog at Pajamas Media claims the Live Earth Concerts may release more carbon into the atmosphere than Afganistan in 2006.  Because the vast majority of people attending these concerts would be out burning loads of fossil fuels in their cars, at the beach, attending some other electrified music event or flying around anyway, I don't think the criticism is entirely fair, but I love reading the stats.



The Panelist Editor, Michelle Haimoff, writes a fantastic description and roundup of all the Live Earth Concerts.   She is also delightfully less sarcastic than I am. 

Thanks to Douglas Heye, a political consultant in D.C., for bringing this to my attention.

Disclosure:  I will be in the Berkshires of Massachusetts this weekend riding my bike around and playing in a Scrabble tournament with some spoken word poets I know.  How will I get to the Berkshires?  I'll drive my car. Because gasoline is so damn cheap and hardly taxed at all in America, it is much cheaper to drive than to take the train.  When the government does the responsible thing and raises taxes on fossil fuels high enough to make mass transportation economical, I'll start taking the train more often.  

Photo by BigT via flickr and Creative Commons.