Earth Day Resolutions (and Transgressions)

Beet CO2 Climate Change and BiofuelsIn honor of Earth Day, here is a list of 50 things we can do to stop global warming. Feel free to brag about all the ways in which you save the world from imminent destruction, as well as the ways in which you are an environmentally irresponsible monster (I'll start):

Good: I separate my newspapers and bottles for recycling. I turn the lights off when I leave my apt. I bring those "We Love Our Customers" hangers back to the dry cleaners. I buy organic food. I snip plastic six-pack holders so dolphins won't hurt their noses.
Evil: I leave the water running when I brush my teeth and before getting in the shower. I don't unplug things. I drink 1/2 liter bottles of Poland Spring instead of tap water. I eat red meat like it's going out of style.

photo by Shawn Pembleton via Flickr and Creative Commons